Σάββατο 5 Απριλίου 2008

One year After the Sinking of Sea Diamond

Today, one year after the sinking of MS Sea Diamond, at the area of the Caldera in Santorini, (Sinking Point shown on the following map, Source: Wikipedia )

At 2 p.m. in the ATHINAION Port, there was a protest of the people of Santorini, concerning the salvage of the ship wreck and the drawdown of the petrol. All the ships and the fishing boats that came in the port sounded their sirens symbolically for the S.O.S. signal to be heard in all directions. There was also a man that dived in the water.

Even in the photo from Wikipedia, which was taken a few hours after the sinking, the oil spot that caused the ecological destruction of the caldera, is more than obvious. Was anyone ever puished for the deaths of the passengers or destructing the environment? The ship owners say that it is very hard to salvage the ship wreck and practically impossible to clean the water. Are they indirectly suggesting that the people should just forget and pretend that this never happened? Unfortunately to all of those that wongly believe that this will be another one of the issues that get burried in Greece and no one speaks about them, never again, All of the inhabitants of Santorini are Unwiling to Forget! And we should all stand by their side!


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